Tuesday, October 13, 2009

When it hits you on the head

I LOVED the things you did, that makes my cheeks turn red,

I LOVED the words you said, how it replays in my head,
I LOVED the way you touched, it gives me chills up my spine,
I LOVED the way you hold me and whispered "you're mine",
I LOVED the confusion you made my heart and mind went through,
In short, part of me really LOVED you.

Yea, another 1 hit me again... This time at 3 somethin in the morning ^^ Speaking of 3, somethin creepy happened at 3 sharp last night. Or maybe it's just paranoia... meh. Anyways...

It was a not-so-dark and stormy night... i couldnt sleep cos i ate a very late supper at ajimal... then suddenly, i heard the door creaked open in my room... Then i ignored it la cos i dun like getting outa my bed. It started to get annoying cos it started closing and opening... But maybe it was just the wind ^^" It was going on and on for a few minutes. I didnt dare to look at the time, it'll just scare me more. lol, i know im scaredy cat okeh... Then i heard my dad was still awake so i felt relieved and closed the stupid door. 3.05am. omgwtfbbqsaucecheezyrollsovenbakeshyt! It happened at 3?! Then i fell asleep.
. . .

I would've added additional wind chiming after the door opened but then that'll be just random. Then again, the story's just a mere coincidence and perfect timing... i hope.