Monday, December 7, 2009

When guilt strikes

Nothing better to do than lie on the sofa, staring blankly at the flickering tv, concentrating on nothing.
And while i was stoning, things; memories, just came. And i realized, i have been 1 friggin horrible friend. =S
I'll just count back the times i've pissed my friends off, or dumped them, or even made them cry O_o Why zoe, why?!

for example, i still remember that time when my friend offered me her ham sandwiches (her fav at that moment) during recess... Hey, we were Standard 2 that time. i thought it would be funny to eat all of it and leave 1 behind. Just for laughs. Yea that was the 1st time i made my friend cry...

here's another example of a bad friend, i remembered i did something that got me in trouble (i think i stole or broke somethin?) my friend since kindies, i sorta put the blame on her. Real bad... like, "she did it not me i din do anything she was holding it" She of course said it wasnt her but every1 believed me instead. 2nd time i made a friend cry =.= i was surprised she ever forgiven me for that ><

yes i did alotta things back in primary school... haha. they may look like small things but it'll haunt you forever @.@ especially whad i did in '09 *shudders*
so that i never repeat the same mistakes again, i need to know how im treating you guys. tell me honestly whether im treating you like old socks cos these things are never realised till they're told right in your face. i learnt that last year... xD

and just to prove i never forgotten my old buds, here's to you:- each doodle represents a person. i drew this 2 years ago on a certain blue pencil shaped bookmark when we had to split. Couldn't upload the picture so a quick doodle in ms paint ^^" i tried making it look like the original as much as i could. Trust me, it looks really close to the original.