Friday, January 29, 2010

Everything seems so bliss... weird.

....Staring at the blank page....
Oh, it's not blank no more.

ok hmm... Choir is nice! Now that we have new members, loads and loads of new members, I just feel like this is gonna be a good year =)
Apparently im the unofficial back-up pianist... not good. i cant take the tension! seriously. i get too nervous which makes me blank out @@ Jas helppp! ==

School's great. sorta. There's 1 teacher that's especially nice and funny, Cik Nurul Aima~ haha. She makes Sivik so fun.
better than Pn. Latipah ^^"

I hope i won't/will have to change class. All i want is to hav friends there really. Belian looks so fun!! == At least Cheok's there =3 for now...

hmm, what else? everybody says 2009 never happened. Kinda true la... I can barely remember what happened (not really)

Im just glad this year's off to a great start. It always does anyway. the real drama happens in the middle... -bracing myself-


Kelsey said...

pfffttt you play keyboard in a band =P ren en's band!

what's so pressuring bout a *cough nooby cough* choir? =X

jk <33

It's Zoe. said...

heyy~~ well, i dun feel so much pressure in uncle ren en's band cos other ppl playing oso ma... ^^" like i got you pro ppl to back me up xD