Friday, June 26, 2009

20 days already?!


well i gotta start off this post wit something yea?
wow, exactly 20 days since i've updated...
so, hmm....been feeling abit emoish these past few days. Mayb it's juz mood swings i dunno... I HATE MOOD SWINGS! hope it goes away soon~ =_=

(~random topic changy time!~)

hey didja guys ever helped a stray dog be4..? the feeling is awesome. it's not like i had soo much time to hunt strays but if 1 ended up in ur backyard... not muchofa choice eh? anyways, it was huge! but it din look that scary cause it seems tiresome and lonely... lol. i took a bowl and told my mom i was gonna giv it some water but my mom said no... she gave me a pail instead xD
then i put it where the dog was cause it's chain gots stuck between da branches... yea, either it'sa lost or abandoned... wow, it drinked like it nvr drinked in years... poor guy. then my mom called me neighbour(who has a german shepherd too) to come check out da dog. (if you're wonderin how my mom convinced him, she lied and asked if he lost his dog xD) then he said the dog was imported and it used to be a really nice dog... and guess whad, the dog had a really srs ear infection. it's so bad that there are worms in it... sad. He said the best thing is to put the dog to sleep... curse that person who abandoned his dog like that!! hope the same thing happens to you sucker!

(~random changy topic time!~)

Didja hear the latest news?! MJ died this morning! OMG!! I'll miss him... (although im not much of a fan.. lol) Hope he rests in peace. only a few hours ago i bothered to researched abt his life. turns out, he din really have a good childhood... you should go check it out on wiki... he gots abused by his dad... so sad.

anyways, i gotta go now. Not much happened these past 20 days huh.. lol.

(~random changy topic time!~)

Ok i forgot to add this 'episode' i had... It was science and i had to go to da lab... (i was feeling a little blurblur then la..) so when i went down, kat was like 'hey where should we put our bags arh?' then i said put inside the lab la... so when i went in, the 1st thing that popped was hey... that's not my teacher... and why is my class so 'small'? and guess whad, I WENT IN DA WRONG LAB! lol. it was a form 1 class and they were all staring at me like im some kind of weirdo. with an 'umm...', i ran out and i mean RAN! then kat and joyi saw me running out and they gave a surprised yet amused look while screaming 'IAN YI!!' wah... i no face adi... then i terus hide behind Joyi. XP Good thing teacher wasn't there yet...

whee~ that's it. i can't believe i forgot to write that ytd...