Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mimpi yang pelik

(for those who dunno, it means 'strange dream')

It's either i've been watching too much tv, or im juz a weirdo.
.Don't say anything.

See i had this dream, which still remains in my thoughts till today for God knows why. And it sorta kinda creeps me out a lil...
Well the dream makes no sense. the only thing that was--sort of-- clear to me was this old-folklore tribal kinda music which was, in my dream, supposely a 'curse'. Doesn't sound like 1 though. It goes something like this:-

Lost sheep, in a valley so deep,

uh somethin somethin...
Two hearts, one must part,
Never to return

Then i woke up from there. Toldja it was weird... The song was actually written on a wall, in chinese (.Oo) haha. Or at least i think it is, like i would know... I wish i knew the second line of the song. It's pretty nice to hum xD
Aiks. I watch too much tv.