Sunday, January 3, 2010

Metrojaya incident

I really will neva, eva, forget that incident. trauma moment... ahah

But before that, let's go back to before we took off for Mid Valley ya. Woke up everything skip that. Well, me and sis decided to wear green coincidentally. Then when we came out of the room and BAM whadaya know... My parents were all green too! Yea go green! Then my mom had to say "we're cheok hymm fans!". what the fell?! cch if you're reading this ignore it. xD

I was walking with my sis at the shoes section to buy pants. I was pretty blur that time as always. Lights were too bright there maybe (or mine was abit too dim xD) Then after a while i seem to feel different. Like i was missing something. Then i fely my arm was lighter. I looked. I LOST MY HANDBAG!!

"OH MY GAWD." was what i blurted at that moment. my sis thought i saw my classmate or something, cause it's the same reaction. I started wondering around, eyeing everything without focus (what? i was still blur...) I walked around and admitted to my sis, "i lost my bag."

I bet she was fumed since it was HER bag i borrowed. haha. Then my sis told my parents and then we started searching and searching... My sis kept calling my phone. I don't know whether to be lucky it was in there. Else how would i find my bag? =/

A while after and i started to lose hope. Somebody must've taken it by now. I can't believe i left it on the shoe place's bench... stupid stupid! I couldn't even remember when i took off my bag. My phone was in there my wallet was in there the MOVIE TICKETS WERE IN THERE @__@. I was so pissifying myself. I was praying pleading and praying..

Then i saw the staff workers at the corner and wondered why were there so many at 1 place. I looked and i saw my bag on the shoe table!! The lady was answering the call from my sis. I told them it was my bag and caled my sis who was sitting down just 6-7 feet away. haha.

Im still so glad and surprised that i actually found it. I guess God really does help those in need... Thank you so much God!! muax i love you!

Well that's it. Everything in the bag was safe and sound thank God. Again. I managed to watch Princess and the Frog and mom and dad watched Avatar. Parents dating ahah. The movie was superb! It wasn't like those other Disney Princess movies... Something different. And the songs don't matter DREWWW~ i still liked it *sticks tongue out* =P


Kelsey said...

Damn right I was.. but notice that that's a past tense.. just hope you don't do it again O_o

It's Zoe. said...

sorry!! >< i'll drink 2 cups of caffeine to keep me from the blur. does caffeine even work for that? xD