Friday, April 3, 2009

My prayers answered

hey ya know...
These pass few days i've been praying alot...
And they're all the same prayer.
Just wanted it to happen so badly...

And it has.

I was so overjoyed that i cried happy-tears for the 1st time... and during koir, whoops Oo
in school today, i kinda met a guy along the way to school. My friends have been talking about him and all their comments was, "that guy is weirdddd!"

But for me, i thought he was pretty nice ^^
Ok, i admit it may be weird for a guy to stand outside the school talking to whoever passes by... But he IS kinda nice. And you gotta admit, everything he says is quite meaninful. He told me somethin about a friend which kinda scared me cause i have NO IDEA how he knows her, let alone how he knows that I KNOW HER. Anyways, what he told me was like... he was answering my prayers. i dunno how he does it. So...

Actually that's all i wanted to blog about.
Da conclusion after all that crapping:- prayer works... believe it =)

(ps. hey joyi if you're readin this, just wanted you to know, it's about you xD)


Miss Critical said...

don't talk to weird people.