Monday, August 31, 2009

Cbox scolddown... part 2?

It's not that the issue is going on till now no no no! It stopped like, a couple of days ago already. It's juz that, my sis was talking to me about it and i feel like reliving it...

Well for 1 thing...
That girl said my fren copied her 'mei's blogstyle. Well it's not like my fren customized or made it herself right?? it's a skin from a certain skin website which im sure over a million people picked too. If she wants to scold ppl for that, might as well scold the whole world. O_o

And 2nd thing...
she also said my fren stole her 'picture taking' style. I would really wanna slap her right now. First of all, my fren's picture taking style is common. (no offence ^^") And it's not like she OWNS the style right? Millions of people takes pictures with that style. and need i repeat the last sentence in the previous paragraph?

And 3rd thing...
Who the *#&$ is her 'mei'? She keeps on saying that my fren is a coward for uncertain reasons, and yet her 'mei' is the 1 that doesn't wanna confront my fren herself. She had to ask her frens to go help her out instead... And seriously, to that person's mei, *ahem* WE DO NOT, I REPEAT, NOT, KNOW WHO THE &*$# YOU ARE. AS MOMO(anotha fren) SAID, YOU KEEP ON SAYING WE HAVE NO BRAINS, BUT YOU EXPECT US TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE. seriously, who are you??

Ah well. If she won't tell, i guess we just have to meet them when they beat us up after school on Monday as they said... (which is today, 31 August, Merdeka Day, a public holiday) ==

Moral of da story... use your blain be4 you go scold random ppl la...

Peace out.


Kelsey said...

'Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain... only straw.
Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.'
-Wizard of Oz

Don't be scared. They're calling your bluff. Even if they do have gangter friends, they won't beat ppl up because of blogskins. It's just TOO lame. Even for them

xXxTerancexXX said...

Gloop! Dun care bout them lar! They say these kinda stuff cos they jealous of your creativity! And yup, I totally agree wit Kels jie! They're just big talk, dun care and move on, I'll be here to support you like your jie! =]

Amanda said...

Oooh oh can i join in the "fun?" give me the site i play with them =D =D. I am serious.