Thursday, November 5, 2009

The return of the SB fan

Everyone : what happened to you?
SB: i lost my best friend...
Everyone: how?
SB: when i ripped, *RIP!* my pants.

(talking style)
/C/ ///////////////////Am///
I thought that i had everybody on my side
But i went and blew it
All sky high
And now she won't even stand a passing glance
All just because i *RIP!* ripped my pants

When big Larry came 'round just to put him down
Spongebob turn into a clown
And no girl ever wants to dance
With the fool who went and
*RIP!* ripped his pants

I know i shouldn't mope around
I shouldn't curse
But the pain feels so much worse

Cause winding up with no one
is a lot less fun
Than a burn from the sun,
Or sand in you buns...

Now i learned a lesson i won't soon forget
So listen and you won't regret
Be true to yourself don't miss a chance
And you won't end up
like the fool..

Still love you SB!! lol. Yea, when will i ever learn to grow up....
And this song is from a SB episode called "ripped pants". For those who watched it, you know how the song goes ^^
For those who didn't, you should watch it someday =) One of the best SB songs eva!
(p.s. guitar chords, for fun. It may be wrong but it sounds right ^^")
(p.s.s. strum once)

Post response to my dear sista, Kelsey! Who apparently, blogged about pants!


Kelsey said...

hahahaha~! good one sis!

i didn't think anyone would respond to my post O_o

love you!! lol

It's Zoe. said...

lol, just found the opportunity ^^