Thursday, November 13, 2008


19 you can find anywhere. 19 on the streets. 19 IN MY KITCHEN! Those 19 were creeping me out! I'll give you some time to think what those 19 were. I'll give clues along. I was jumping around when i saw them coming out behind the cupboard. It was a colony!

Some of you may think that it's no biggie. But i think most of you would. it was so icky and gross! I dun think lizards would eat it. haha, i was jumping on the chairs and tables when i saw them. But good thing they came out one by one. my mom had to spray the back of the cupboard.

My mom got rid of all of 'em... Or did she? At night when me and my sis where watching tv. we saw one of 'em on the stairs, and one of 'em in our computer room. My sis had a really big phobia of it. hehe ^^. They crawled so fast but luckily my dad hit it.

Now im gonna tell you what it is. But im guessing you already know it by now. Haha, it's 19 cockroaches.

Friday, November 7, 2008


If you're wondering what the heck is the title all about, it's a longgg story...

Today in school was quite boring... We stayed in the dewan(hall) the whole day. But, Marie cheered us up! xD Our group were telling some ghost stories which were scary and abit sad btw. We even talked about..well...''B.M.''

It's not 'Bahasa Melayu' if that's what you're thinking. I dare not say la.. It's 'Bloody M..." Okok, that's all im telling you. The other word is a name. WoOoOo... chills....

Uh.. where was i? oh ya, being happy! Kat was telling some weird story about a guy in a train or something. Marie was kinda dreaming and looking around, listening to the story. When suddenly, BOO! AHHHH!!! Cindy threw a tissue in front of her!!

Marie was so shocked, she scream so loud that made all of us scream xD. Then she fell on her left where Joyi was sitting. Marie accidentally bumped Joyi's head while she was sketching something. Everything was happening so fast that i didn't even know what just happened!

Oh, i should have taken a picture of it. It's only funny when you see it. Now, Marie's having a major fear of tissues and randomly, bottles. When we were asked to clean up the hall--yes i know, so pathetic--She left all the tissues lying around and we had to pick it up. It was the best thing that's ever happened today!!

p.s. Since i don't have a photo, i'll roughly draw what happened: