Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just to update

Wow... After all these months. I never thought that it could get this pressuring.. pressure.. pressure...

But it paid off anyway.

CAUSE SAUJANA CHOIR GOT TOP 5 BABY!!!! WOOH!!! (happy dancing)

But although, it seems bittersweet. Cause we gonna have anotha competition next thursday and you know whad that means... Practice... More practice... MORE PRACTICE... and more prac.. *flop on da ground*

GAHHH!! IMASICKOFITSICKOFITSICKOFIT! and it's the sames songs all over again! It's already stuck in mah head and it won't stop playing!! ahhhh


I kinda like the songs. although you guys, it's kinda lullaby-ish... yes? We need more livelier songs... How come we cancelled lion sleeps tonight.. sob.

Anyways, i hope we'll do better in the finals. omg im so happy we got top 5 out of 25 schools! eeeeee!! ^^