Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nut house

That room is fricking stuffy, and hot, and it can make you go crazy. They keep important stuff in there like files and a computer. DARN YOU BILIK KOKO!!

Ya see, me and Joyi were assigned to a job by Cik Fong for God knows why she chose us to do it. I guess because joyi looks smart enough to handle it and i look dumb enough to accept it. Well for 1 thing.. It sucks! btw, our work is to key-in some koko marks for last year's classes. We're not even paid to do it. That's juz sad. It's like a mon-fri kind of thing until we're done wit keying-in all da classes, and 1 class is hard enough tyvm...

Actually i decided to blog bout it today cause this is da most awkward day of the year(so far). I came early to go for koko but, Cik fong asked us to 'work' today so we had to tell our koko teacher and get our butts kicked.. So we went to see teacher and i dunno why, we waited in line for some reason while teacher's lecturing in front. Then i told joyi this is stupid so we went to the front (ps the waiting was awkward).

Then after all that.. blah blah blah, went back to see Cik fong blah blah blah, had to wait for Cik fong to get attendance for ping pong (ps Cik fong is ping pong teacher). And the waiting was so long which makes us look so weird! Then finally teacher gave us the key( i wonder why we nvr asked for the key in the first place).

So off we go~~
Then in there, it was ok at first, but still troublesome. then we finally done with 1 class! Teacher came in, asked us why we did our own way of keying in the marks(which was confusing for me cause teacher told us to do it that way weeks ago =/). Kept quiet about that.. Then teacher showed us HER way of doing it. Which actually didn't work( i dun think she's good at computer stuff xD). So... We continued doing it our way~ lol

ok, the 2nd class was crazy. There were so many weird names we can't help it but laugh. And the way joyi says it is so funny. haha. After a while we started to go gila gila abit la cause we've been doing it for too long i guess =/ It was so funny! (ps joyi was more gila than me ok)

Wow, i wrote too long adi. Anyways, my point is that today was an awkward day and we actually went gila in the koko room so... Today was fun~~ ^^